Sunday, April 21, 2013

Without fail, I immediately come out of my deep depression by lifting my chin and holding my head high as I romp around the mysterious streets of LA. They’re all fucking phonies but today I’ve declared that I will walk and stand proud no matter any setbacks that may have arisen in my rather volatile life. It’s that simple. Declare that you will hold your head high and you’ll be surprised how good and truly happy you feel when you do it. Drugs and therapist merely provide a façade of happiness. You are only genuinely happy when you tell yourself that you deserve to be happy and are pleased to share that with the world. So chins up America. Hold’em high, happy and mighty. Preservation of the US Constitution and its guarantee of individual rights is at stake here. We must be strong and unyielding to the concept that an individual is as much a sovereign as any government entity. Does that shock you? Any measly slob on the street is a sovereign? First, what does mean? The Free Online dictionary defines it as: “One that exercises supreme, permanent authority, especially in a nation or other governmental unit.” Guess what? When those genius Founding Fathers got together to conjure up a constitution, there was a heated debate among those who wanted a strong central government and those who wanted a weak, if any, centralized government. The Bill of Rights was the compromise that not only firmly and legally recognized numerous individual rights but established the individual as a sovereign with supreme, permanent authority over himself. When that head of yours props up and you observe the world around you, you’ll get a surge of happiness and pride as to belonging in exactly the place you are in. The birds, the people, the trees. You feel so proud, you pull your head even higher and realize your sovereignty was not granted by any government. The foundation of my sovereignty is the sun. It’s magnificent distribution of light, heat and other life processes are the reason we are all here to be free. Not because the US government has granted it. The Bill of Rights acknowledges and confirms there are certain individual rights which we, as Sovereigns of the Sun, already have. When the bloody battle begins, if it has not already, it will be over the preservation of foundational rights which have been steadily eaten away by the feds. The military/bankers can be challenged but you must do so in a proud and happy fashion. So next time you explore the urban jungle, remember, you are a sovereign. Hold your head high and be proud of who you are. More on what I think is an upcoming major civil war bloodier than anything else in the past in my next writing.

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