Sunday, August 31, 2014


Our liberty is lessened everyday.  In a big global way and in a smaller way.  We are less free than before.
 The surveillence of the government on our private lives is not known exactly but there are strong indications that federal and local governments will soon be, if not already, spying upon our most private moments.

It's the drones.  Those little radio controlled flying gadgets that can either be loaded with heat-seeking missiles or in the case of law enforcement, sophisticated video and audio equipment so they can see you in your home or anywhere else in private.

The laws and rules in effect now banning us from several personal behaviors are too numerous to mention.  Regardless of what government tells you as to further sacrifice of your liberties remember what John Stuart Mill in his book On Liberty:

"That the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant . . . Over himself, over his body and mind, the individual is sovereign."

It's that last sentence that inspires me the most.   What Mill is saying is that no government holds any sovereignty over your socerignty over yourself.  You are the king over you and no one else.

Yeah, the cops have the guns.  We must, however, have the courage to assert our rights, constitutional and otherwise whenever the officer goes over the line.  In futue blogs I will give you some personal experiiences fromwhuch you may learn.

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